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    中国大陆分流 - 百度网盘

    链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pMbKQLX

    密码: p4iy

    海外分流 - Google Drive


  • 关于风险

    Trying to Keep You Alive


    交易股票, 期权, 期货, 期货期权, 以及场外即期外汇蕴含着重大的损失风险, 并不适合所有投资人. 过去的业绩并不预示任何将来的业绩.

    日交易保证金越低, 意味着杠杆越高. 杠杆可能对你有利也可能对你不利, 它扩大了盈利潜能的同时也扩大了损失风险.


    PPT金融的意见独立于任何合作友商. 并不代表它们是来自友商的意见. 更详细的内容, 请参阅本页下方的"条款及条件". 注册使用PPT金融所提供的服务, 即等同于客户同意并了解条款内的所有内容.

    Risk Disclosure

    Trading Futures, options on futures and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. The lower the day trade margin, the higher the leverage and riskier the trade. Please be aware that leverage can work for you as well as against you; it magnifies gains as well as losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.